Gaw Xiong Hou

SILVER Art Direction: Single
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Q-Q Food Retail Sdn. Bhd.


Oloiya ζˆ‘ζ₯也


Festive Food Packaging


Festive packaging has been involved along the time and it has led to an issue where ‘overpackaging’ happens. Imagine you have received a beautiful crafted packaging but turns out you have no choice but to throw it away after use because you seldom reuse them in your daily life. Hence, the aim of this project, is to create a flexible packaging, compromising on practicality and aesthetically ,yet showcasing the collaboration of two iconic brands packaging for upcoming mooncake festival


For wrapper and wood box, they are constructed to form a deformable structure, which can be flatten into one thin piece, or minimise the space consuming is the core-idea of the packaging throughout the entire project. Besides, by using complementary colours (striking orange-new, vintage green- tradition), we’re able to convey the idea of innovation in tradition in this collaboration of two traditional food suppliers. The copywriting throughout the campaign are specially crafted by using new-era languages, but in the traditional form are also hints on the breakthrough of tradition.


Client : Oloiya, TK Bakery
Creative : Kongsi Design, Hoe Kai Yew
Art Direction & Design : Kongsi Design (Cheong Zhi Ling, Cheong Zhi Ying, Cheng Wai Hong)
Chinese Copywriting : Hoe Kai Yew
English copywriting : Adorable Geeks
Wood Frame : LH Tech Trading
Printer : Recapress
Photography : Kongsi Design, Adorable Geeks
Social Media Strategist : Adorable Geeks