Where Has Humanity Gone?

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Dasein Academy of Art


Lew Tau Fei, Samantha Pei Wen Cheah


Lew Tau Fei, Samantha Pei Wen Cheah


This book serves as an unflinching mirror, revealing the cruelty behind animal performances. It urges readers to reexamine their relationship with the animal kingdom and confront ethical quandaries. The central question emerges: How do these acts of cruelty reflect on human nature and our responsibility to protect the innocent?

Readers embark on a thought-provoking journey behind circus animal performances. The author exposes grim truths, unveiling the suffering innocent animals endure. This book challenges our perspective on animal rights, prompting a reevaluation of our humanity in the face of these hidden horrors.

Group Members

Tan Zhe Qing

Other Credits

Tan Zhe Qing

Tan Zhe Qing