Omnipresent Origins

MERIT Best Use of Cultural Insights


INTI International College Subang


Louise Yee


Louise Yee


Project Omnipresent Origins is a dynamic outcome of an in-depth study exploring the acceptance of reimagined traditional clothing among Malay adults. There are 3 outcomes that compliment the project; a mini fashion documentary, an exhibition concept, and a limited zine.

Through a compelling mini fashion documentary, the project investigates the reasons behind the resistance to reimagined traditional attire, while delving into essential themes of cultural identity, unity, environment, and religion. This thought-provoking documentary features interviews with six individuals from Malaysia’s fashion industry, spotlighting local designers Behati & Nala, who faced online backlash from the Malay community. The aim is to broaden the audience’s perspective on fashion progression and challenge societal limits in design.

Central to the project is the movement to promote artistic and unique traditional attire. By redefining heritage wear in a contemporary and creative manner, Omnipresent O

Group Members

Marcella Mia Lomoljo

Other Credits
