Teng Hok Gong

MERIT Best Use of Cultural Insights
Teng Hok Gong.jpg


The One Academy


Louise Ooi


Louise Ooi


Cantonese is the second-largest Chinese dialect spoken among Chinese in Malaysia. However, as time passed, it slowly loses its value when English speakers and Mandarin-speaking worlds become the most economical language used. This led to the use of dialect being subsequently discouraged in schools, resulting in many children in Chinese schools never learning how to speak their own native dialect.

Teng Hok Gong (Listen, Learn and Speak) is a mobile app which allows its user to listen, learn and speak Malaysia Cantonese anywhere, anytime conveniently with the help of Augmented Reality (AR) technology. It helps enhance the boring learning process into an interactive, fun and engaging experience. The AR application mimics the scenes of real-life conversation situations, and users can just interact and have conversations with virtual characters.

Group Members

Christen Chong Ying Qi

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