Casahana Gift Box

BRONZE Best Design - Packaging
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Dasein Academy of Art


Low Poh Li


Casahana - HYT Food Industries Sdn Bhd


We are required to innovate solutions for Casahana’s Mooncake Packaging Design and develop a strong identity to promote the brand story. The new packaging must distinguish itself from fellow traditional bakeries and honor the Mooncake festival’s cultural significance, yet not lose its Chinese visual language.

This year, we want to take a bold approach by making their gift packaging more elegant with wonderful surprises to evoke happy memories. The pop-up packaging design takes influence from the Jade Rabbit story, an ancient legend of a rabbit that sacrifices itself to honor a god. In return, the god restores the rabbit to life and creates an impression of him on the moon. The vintage Chinese emblems, patterns and the pop-up Jade Rabbit dress the brand in mythical flair.

Group Members

Designer: Ding Xin Ning

Other Credits

Creative Director: Ding Xin Ning